

Adult Ministries

All are welcome to participate in the following groups: Small Groups Various small groups meet throughout the area. Small groups run from six to eight weeks at a time. Adult Sunday School Bible studies take place at the church every Sunday at 9:30 a.m. Child care is provided. Men’s Ministries A men’s group meets on Sundays from 7:30-8:30 a.m. in the church…


Community Projects Food Pantry Holland Community Easter Egg Hunt Community Christmas Baskets Warm Hearts knitting group Global Outreach Free Methodist World Missions in Hungary Nundu Hospital in the Democratic Republic of the Congo Dr. Laura and Taylor Myatt in Papua New Guinea Grant and Gail Blair with Operation Mobilization Operation Christmas Child Child Sponsorship…


Children’s ministry is a top priority at the Holland Free Methodist Church. Volunteer workers are carefully screened and classes are well supervised to assure a safe and nurturing environment. A greeter or an usher can help you find the nursery, preschool, Sunday school classes and jr. church room. Sunday Morning Nursery A caring nursery for infants is offered…


Free Methodist World Missions, Hungary The Free Methodist Church has congregations in Budapest and Gyor. Support is provided for the ministry centers in those cities. Nundu Deaconess Hospital in the Democratic Republic of the Congo Support is provided for the medical staff who serve at a hospital in the eastern DNC. This area has suffered from war for more than 20 years,…


Blended worship service There is only one service each Sunday with a blend of contemporary and traditional music. The service is prepared to reach across generations. Throughout the music portion of the service guests are invited to stand or sit as they are comfortable. Prayer A weekly zoom prayer meeting takes place on Thursdays at 6:00 p.m. A link can be found in the…


Tuesday Nights Youth in grades 6-12 meet with the youth group at Maumee Valley Church (8715 Garden Rd.) on Tuesday evenings at 6:30 pm. Activities Youth activities take place throughout the year.